Fitstore Friends Convention 2022
Pēc ilgās pasākumu organizēšanas pauzes mēs nākam klajā ar vienreizēju un noderīgu pasākumu visiem s...
Marc Rohde
Marc Rohde is coming to Latvia from Germany, and taking with him 28+ years of experience and expertise in Fitness segment. Originally Marc's Fitness journey started with being a Hip-Hop Choreographer, although he has came a long way from being a newbie in his field, to be a Global Mastertrainer for Life Fitness Academy. In his 28+ years journey he has published 20+ Articles in professional fitness journals and wrote 2 Books about healthy living, while ghostwriting blogs for Life Fitness, Yab Fitness, Seca, Bodylife and Trainer Magazine. Marc has opened his own gym - The Track Gym - in 2017, which has been successful throughout all years. He even has created and launched "1. Trucker Online Workout", to help out people who are driving a long distances and need exercises to keep them fit and healthy.
Marc's coaching style is fully engaged. He connects people and opens a new point of view to the topics. Because of his knowledge in different segments of the market his thoughts and conclusions are influenting and different. The understanding of the target groups and the wants and needs of the clients are in the focus. He provides education and equips fitness pro´s with skills and confidence to be successful in their profession. He´s here to help and support, connect and rise each individual with his experience. A huge, global network is also part of the package. His current work as part of the international LFA Core Team is creation & developing strategy and content for the Life Fitness Academy and the LF brand. As International Trainer he delivers also Inhouse Trainings and Education to the field - internal and external (B2B and B2C).