Lifespan TR7000i skrejcelš

  • Ražotājs Lifespan
  • Artikuls TR7000i
  • Ir Rīgas noliktavā: 0

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  • Ražotājs Lifespan
  • Artikuls TR7000i
  • Ir Rīgas noliktavā: 0

Lifespan TR7000i skrejceliņš

Šīs skrejceliņš atbilst ir elites klasei visās kategorijās. Ar 3,5 ZS maiņstrāvas motoru, izturīgu tērauda konstrukciju un pārējām augstākās klases iezīmēm, ko pieprasa jūsu treniņa programma. 152 x 56 cm skrejvirsma ļauj sasniegt pilnīgu un sportisku soli, savukārt triecienus absorbējošā īpašība saudzē jūsu ceļgalus, muguru un locītavas. Kā arī šim modelim ir 6.5'' multi-krāsu LCD ekrāns un pudeles turētājs. Izvēlaties starp 40+ dažādām treniņu programām vai arī palieliniet trenažiera slīpumu par 15%, ieviesiet kardio treniņu Jūsu mājās! 


Kāpēc tieši Lifespan TR7000i skrejceliņš?


6,5" Multi-color LCD console with 3 LED displays

The TR7000i is a commercial treadmill with a nice 6,5 Multi-color LCD console. It has backlit so your training data is perfectly readable from every angle. The console has large physical buttons to enable you to set your training settings easily and quickly and 3 additional 3 LED displays with readouts of time, speed and incline. Thanks to the 2 USB ports you can save your training results and simultaneously charge your mobile devices.


Incline level of 15%

Improve your level of fitness with the 15% incline level. Walk, jog or run uphill to seriously work up a sweat and train your leg muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abdominals and endurance. There's no better way to get fit and healthy!




40+ varied training programs 

With the TR7000i you won't be done training quickly. It has a total of 44 training programs including heart rate programs, Weight Management programs, Healthy Living programs and Sports training programs. Train goal-oriented, lose weight, get healthy or get on the sporty tour and get the most out of your training. You’ll always find a training program that fits your training goals. Whatever they might be, the maximum speed of 20 km/h and the maximum gradient level of 15% offer you a very challenging and effective workout.

Powerful and durable AC motor

The TR7000i is a powerful commercial treadmill with a 3.5 HP Continuous Duty AC motor and resistant to both long-term training at high and low speed. Because of this the treadmill is suitable for both beginners and advances athletes. The motor is very durable, high quality and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Reversible gangway for a more durable treadmill 

This treadmill that lasts a very long time, thanks in part to the reversible gangway. Because the gangway is used intensively, it is subject to wear. Fortunately you can turn the gangway once, if necessary, so the treadmill gets more durable. The LifeSpan Treadmill TR7000i is a true powerhouse, offering even the most experienced athlete the ultimate challenge.




A comfortable and safe training

The running surface has a length of 157 cm and a width of 56 cm to make sure you can walk, jog or run at top speed easily and safely. A long and wide running surface is both suitable to short and tall athletes and makes sure your training is safe and comfortable. Thanks to the 4 Compression Shocks you can train safely with high intensity without straining your knees, joints and back.


Compatible with Bluetooth, tablets and Polar (heart rate function)

The Bluetooth interface allows you to connect the treadmill to your smartphone and to listen to music. The TR7000i is compatible with tablets and has a tablet holder, so you can keep track of your training results on your tablet during your training. The treadmill is also compatible with Polar, so you can use a Polar chest strap to measure your heart rate while you train. Training with the Heart rate that’s ideal for you is very important to achieve your training goals. You can also measure your heart rate with the heart rate sensors on the armrests, but heart rate measurement with a chest strap is more reliable.


Suitable for professional use 

The TR7000i is a sturdy treadmill for professional use. It has a powerful 3,5 HP Continuous Duty AC motor and peaks to a stunning 7 HP. It weighs a good 167 kg and has a maximum load-bearing weight of 180 kg. It is built to easily withstand several hours of daily intensive training. It is suitable for use in gyms, hotels and professional companies, but can also be used at home by people who want to exercise daily and intensively for a long time.

LifeSpan piepilda Tavu dzīvi ar veselību un labsajūtu, nodrošinot ar kardio trenažieriem - eliptiskajiem trenažieriem, velotrenažieriem un skrejceliņiem. LifeSpan ir radīts ikvienam, it īpaši mājas kardio treniņu veikšanai. Zemāka cena nekā profesionālajiem kardio trenažieriem, bet ar augstu kvalitāti tirgū. Uzturi sevi formā, uzlabo veselību un ātrāk atgūsties no traumām, izmantojot skaisti izstrādātus kardio trenažierus.

LifeSpan kvalitāte nebeidzas šeit. Viņi ir tik pārliecināti par saviem trenažieriem, ka dažiem no saviem produktiem viņi pat piešķir mūža garantiju, ar augstas klases tehniskās apkopes pakalpojiem pēc produkta iegādes. Ja vēlies savā īpašumā kardio trenažieri, mēs iesakām LifeSpan - lēts un augstas kvalitātes!

Mūsu mērķis ir mudināt ikvienu kustēties, tādējādi veicinot veselīgu un laimīgu dzīvi!

LifeSpan Katalogi: Atrodami šeit

Dibinātājs: Dave Peters      Galvenais birojs: Soltleiksitija, ASV     Zīmols: Dibināts 2002. gadā


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no 2017



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Dimensions (L x W x H)

204 cm x 93 cm x 155 cm

Package Dimensions (L x W x H)

229 cm x 104 cm x 46 cm

Folded Dimensions


Running Surface (L x W)

152 cm x 56 cm

Belt Type

3-Ply, 3.3 mm


1.6 cm

Product Weight

167 kg

Max. User Weight

182 kg

Drive Motor

3.5HP continuous duty DC

Rotation Per Minute (RPM)

3400 RPM

Speed Range

0.8 - 19.2 km/h

Max. Incline

0 - 15%

Automatic Incline


Deck Suspensions

4 independent compression shocks


7.6 cm crown rollers keep belt centered

Side Rails


Intelli Guard Safety


Quick Draw Technology


Bottle Holder




Folding System



Professional use

Compatible with IHP









Cooling Fan


Reversible Gangway


Display Area

16.5 cm TFT touch screen


10 - Exercise program, data and time, calories, distance, total steps, heart rate, speed, incline level, pace

Graph View


Exercise programs

44 programms - 1 manual program, 2 heart rate programs, 2 user custumizable programs, 1 lose weight program

17 preset programs: 5 weight management programs, 5 "Healthy Living" programs, 7 sports training programs

QuickSet Button Control




Media Holder


USB Port


Set-Up Hight

20 cm

Pedometria Intelli Step


Heart Rate Control

2 heart rate sesors at the armrests and bluetooth-connectivity to us an optional chest strap to measure your heart rate