Gravity R Competiton kettlebell with enforced baking paint

  • Manufacturer Gravity
  • Article G-IR1202
  • In stock in Riga 0
8kg (7) G-IR1202-8
30.90 €
12kg (1) G-IR1202-12
38.90 €
16kg (3) G-IR1202-16
52.00 €
20kg (4) G-IR1202-20
65.00 €
24kg (6) G-IR1202-24
78.00 €
28kg (5) G-IR1202-28
91.00 €
32kg (2) G-IR1202-32
104.00 €
From 1.57
/Per month
From 30.90€

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  • Manufacturer Gravity
  • Article G-IR1202
  • In stock in Riga 0

Gravity R Competiton kettlebell with enforced baking paint

The Gravity R Competiton ball is a standard weightlifting tool designed for competition and serious training. They have the same size and shape but different weights, and their colours are bright and distinctive to make them easy to identify. The weight balls are made of durable materials such as steel or cast iron. With ergonomic handles and precision construction, the competition weight balls ensure consistent performance for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike!

Colours : 

  • Pink - 8kg
  • Blue - 12kg
  • Yellow - 16kg
  • Purple - 20kg
  • Green - 24kg
  • Orange - 28kg
  • Red - 32kg 

4 ★
Ķettlebell svars atbilst sacensību standartam. Rokturis ir izgatavots tuvu sacensību formai.

Gravity - best quality fitness and sports equipment for friendly prices. Gravity is made for every age and fitness level people, who are ready to step one step closer to healthier and happier life! Gravity products are made with quality standards and willingness to satisfy customers needs. This brand is encouraging everyone to get in shape even at home.

Gravity offers products which are connected to fitness and sports field - dumbbells, kettlebells, bumper discs and even Cardio equipment - treadmills, rowers and much more. If you are looking for best solution in quality=price meaning, then this brand is The Go To.

Don't let the price to determine your happiness and health!


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ModelGravity R
Weight8 - 32 kg